Where was Eiichiro Oda born?
When was Eiichiro Oda born?
What inspired Eiichiro Oda to create One Piece?
What inspired Eiichiro Oda to become a manga artist?
When did Eiichiro Oda start writing One Piece?
What is the redirect page for Oda Eichiro?
What are the bibliographic details for the Wikipedia page 'Eiichiro Oda'?
What is the Guinness World Record that Eiichiro Oda holds?
What awards and titles has Eiichiro Oda received?
What record did Eiichiro Oda and One Piece set in 2015?
What awards has Eiichiro Oda received?
What did Eiichiro Oda draw for the President and One Piece fans in France?
Where does Eiichiro Oda's family live?
What awards has Eiichiro Oda received in 2018?
What is Eiichiro Oda's pen name?