Do I have the right to request correction or completion of inaccurate personal data?
Why did Jarča Kačalková find the job ad interesting?
What was the purpose of the second round of the interview?
What is the status of the author?
Jaké by bylo Gábině nejraději trávit čas s dětmi?
What is the author's role in decision-making?
What are the author's responsibilities?
Kdo Gábině pomáhá vypnout doma?
Dostala se Pavla Vejtrubová k účetnictví při práci v centru sociálních služeb?
Co dělala Pavla Vejtrubová jako terénní pracovník v centru sociálních služeb?
How does the person communicate with the office?
What is an ideal client like?
What motivated Jarča Kačalková to stay and continue with the interview process?
What does life teach Sylva?
What is the person's work-life balance like?