Who can initiate requests for the Professional Development Fund?
Who did Durfee staff contact to find out how they could support them?
What expertise were the trustees looking for in new board members?
Who did Durfee hire to pave its entry into a wider range of ethnic communities?
Who did Durfee partner with for the management of ARC?
Which organization did Durfee approach for partnering in the management of ARC?
What organizations has Claire Peeps served as a consultant to?
How can someone get in touch with the Durfee Foundation for a deeper conversation?
Who are the partners of L.A. Infrastructure Academy?
How did Carrie search for a new executive director?
Can alums reach out to fellow alums for advice?
Who is responsible for creating and implementing the Durfee arts fellowships?
What did the founder of the Little Tokyo Service Center learn about asking for help?