How can the village halls support 'Healthier South Derbyshire'?
Can I fill the questionnaire in online?
What are the suggested locations for additional bus stopping points in Repton?
What contributions were required for new developments?
What is the opinion of the majority of respondents regarding cycling on roads?
Why do many residents of the new developments use the Parish of Repton as a 'through route'?
What are the key reasons people choose to live in Repton?
What is the purpose of Policy T2?
What do respondents think about the provision of additional cycle-ways and footpaths in Repton?
What does the Local Plan aim to resist in the countryside?
What does the Local Plan Part 1 and Part 2 envision for residential development in and around the Parish of Repton?
Is there support for more retail in Repton?
What concerns were raised about new developments?
What is the policy regarding footpath and cycle path provision in Repton?
Can I post the completed questionnaire?