When is the next Coffee with CuraLinc event?
What should I do if I don't have access to my program's designated toll-free phone number?
How can the financial offset of CuraLinc's EAP be calculated?
What additional features does the Enhanced plan design option include?
What features are provided by CuraLinc's web and mobile portals?
What percentage of caregivers reported satisfaction with the program?
How many caregivers does The Guthrie Clinic have?
What percentage of employees in the technology sector have a mental health disorder?
What tools does CuraLinc use to measure the impact of the EAP?
What does CuraLinc's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provide?
What assessments were offered to all employees?
What are some examples of seminars offered by CuraLinc?
What are the health challenges associated with heavy workloads and lack of work-life balance?
What is the prevalence of mental health conditions according to the World Health Organization?
How can I request a wellness proposal from CuraLinc?