What services does Confida offer?
What is the non-taxable amount for per diems for business trips in the country in 2024?
What is the key to the successful operation of any company?
What are the different strategies and models offered by Confida for individual tax optimization?
Who is required to electronically record VAT calculations?
What is the importance of keeping up with the latest guidelines and regulations related to income tax accounting?
What services are provided for international employment?
Is online collaboration possible with Confida's accounting software?
What is the basis for acquiring the status of a predominant exporter?
What is the non-taxable amount for Social Solidarity allowance in case of illness, health rehabilitation, or disability?
What is the deadline for submitting Form PID VAT 1 for obtaining the status of a predominant exporter for monthly taxpayers?
How is the confidentiality of data ensured?
What is the tax period for which VAT is calculated, submitted, and paid?
How does Confida choose its audit experts?
What are the key tax responsibilities for the month of February?