What data is transmitted when accessing pages with integrated YouTube videos?
What solutions does CGM Software Romania provide?
What are the benefits of using CGM products?
Qu'est-ce que CLICKDOC PRO ?
Are important changes in connection with existing contracts dependent on marketing permission?
How is personal data used?
What is the purpose of the data protection statement?
How does CGM Software Romania help people preserve their health?
Quelles sont les courbes de croissance disponibles dans les logiciels AxiSanté et HelloDoc ?
What is the purpose of CompuGroup Medical's software and services?
What information is stored by the webservers when visiting the website?
What information will be sent for direct marketing messages?
Quels sont les produits proposés par VISUS pour structurer les données de santé ?
Why is Internet Explorer not compatible with the page?
How can cookies from YouTube be prevented?