What formats can cartoonists work in?
What is a cartoonist?
What does a cartoonist's discipline encompass?
What is the title of the book that provides a comprehensive study of American political cartoons?
What are some societies and organizations related to cartooning and illustration?
What are the terms used to refer to the picture-making portion of the discipline of cartooning?
What is the difference between a cartoonist and an illustrator?
Who were the great exponents of editorial/political cartoons in England in the 18th century?
Who is credited with the first cartoon published in an American newspaper?
What did James Gillray explore in his political cartoons?
Who introduced familiar American political symbols through their work in Harper's Weekly?
Who is credited with the first cartoon published in The Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754?
What did Benjamin Franklin's cartoon 'Join, or Die' depict?