What was the invalid provision of Rule 30?
What is the binding appellate precedent regarding the location of hire?
What is the issue involved in the Ogilvie v. City and County of San Francisco case?
What is J. Barry Collins' professional background?
Is there an indemnity awarded to the applicant?
What was the applicant's job position?
What was the outcome of the WCAB panel decision?
Has the applicant contested that he was offered a contract by the defendant?
Who received a 'Take Nothing' in Orange County?
What was the outcome of the breast cancer claim trial?
What was the basis for Mr. Collins' victory in the Pro Football case?
What was the reason for the denial of the double fusion?
What was the outcome of the case involving the truck driver?
Is the AMA guide portion of the 2005 schedule rebuttable?
What is the permanent disability percentage?