How does the system provide insights into the inherent value and expected selling price of a domain?
What factors are considered in the web scraping process for gathering data on domain names?
What factors are included in the web scraping algorithm to gather data on domain names?
What techniques are used to predict the potential future value of domain names?
What is the purpose of the domain valuation and prediction service?
How does the machine learning model predict valuations for new domains?
How is the scoring algorithm used to assign values to different aspects of a domain name?
What factors besides valuation impact the final selling price of a domain in an auction?
What factors impact a domain's value?
How is historical sales data used in evaluating a domain name?
What is the purpose of the valuation_prediction.py file?
What factors are considered when evaluating a domain name?
How is the final score calculated for a domain name?
How are values assigned to different aspects of a domain name?
How is the length of a domain name evaluated?