What services does Cogent provide?
What is the Right to Know?
How does Cogent intend to raise awareness of the statement internally?
What happens to my personal information in the event of a reorganization or sale of the business?
What is considered unacceptable use?
Who does the Acceptable Use Policy apply to?
Can the company charge me a different price or provide a different level of service based on my personal information?
What is the difference between Cogent and other providers according to Matthew Fout, Network Engineer at Auto Approve?
Does the right to opt-out apply if the business does not sell personal information?
What is the purpose of this statement?
Where does Cogent implement network management tools?
How has Cogent helped Nibbi Brothers' business?
What is Cogent's Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
What are some customer testimonials about Cogent?
Can I resell my bandwidth?