What is Christoph Waltz's nationality?
When was Christoph Waltz born?
When and where was Christoph Waltz born?
Where was Christoph Waltz born?
What film did Christoph Waltz direct and star in?
Has Christoph Waltz acted in any American films?
What other films has Christoph Waltz starred in?
Who were Christoph Waltz's family members involved in the entertainment industry?
What awards has Christoph Waltz won?
Who is Christoph Waltz's former wife?
What films did Christoph Waltz appear in in 2017?
What awards has Christoph Waltz won for his acting?
Has Christoph Waltz received any awards in Austria?
What web series did Christoph Waltz star in and what award nomination did he receive?
What was Christoph Waltz's breakthrough role in Quentin Tarantino's film?