What category is Chas competing in at the European Business Awards?
Who are the teachers at Chas Academy?
What services does Chas provide and who are their clients?
What is Chas' approach to working with employees?
What project did Chas participate in Laos?
Which category is Chas Visual Management representing Sweden in the European Business Awards?
What is the Chas Academy?
What services does Chas offer?
What is the purpose of having a mentor?
What is Chas certified in?
How many times has Chas represented Sweden at the European Business Awards?
What is the goal of Chas as a company?
What is the role of Anders Wikström in Yrkeshögskoleförbundets?
What award is Chas nominated for in the European Business Awards?
What YH-utbildning does Chas Academy offer?