Which international companies and embassies are located in Caracas?
What is the estimated population of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas?
What is the population of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas?
What organizations is Caracas a part of?
What is the name of the public institution in Caracas that focuses on science and technology?
Which organizations are headquartered in Caracas?
What industries are important in Caracas?
What is the major metropolitan area created by the connection of Caracas with satellite cities?
What is the name of the region that includes satellite cities and adjacent bedrooms of Caracas?
What are the commonalities between Caracas and other Latin American cities?
What are some of the immigrant communities established in Caracas?
Where is the center of the city of Caracas located?
What type of economy does Caracas have?
What was the role of the Metropolitan Mayor in the city of Caracas?
What is the economic and social situation in Caracas characterized as?