Who is responsible for clarifying the tax treatment of voucher products?
Wie erreiche ich den Kundendienst von cadooz?
Was ist die Herausforderung bei der Kundenakquise in wettbewerbsstarken Branchen?
What are the general terms and conditions for the sale of voucher products and non-cash prizes to corporate customers?
What are the information obligations for the end users?
What rights does the COMPANY have regarding the compliance of CADOOZ and the SUB-PROCESSORS?
Was ist das Ziel der Kundenakquise?
Wie lange dauert der Versand eines Gutscheins, wenn er mit Kreditkarte bezahlt wurde?
What is the liability of CADOOZ?
Is CADOOZ obligated to disclose confidential information related to its internal security procedures?
What are the special conditions for the sale of EmployeeChoice vouchers?
Who is responsible for checking if the use of the company's templates infringes on third-party rights?
Wo finde ich offene Stellen bei cadooz?
Is CADOOZ required to disclose confidential information related to internal security procedures?
Does CADOOZ provide legal and tax advice to the company?