What is C16 Biosciences?
Where is C16 Biosciences based?
What is the focus of C16 Biosciences in addition to expanding into the food category?
What is the name of the platform for sustainable palm oil alternatives created by C16 Biosciences?
What are the Terms & Conditions of C16 Biosciences?
What is the goal of C16 Biosciences in relation to palm oil production?
What organizations have backed C16 Biosciences?
What recognition did C16 Biosciences receive for its entry into the food category?
How does C16 Biosciences produce a sustainable palm oil alternative?
What is the website for C16 Biosciences?
What does C16 Biosciences' biomanufacturing platform produce?
What challenges does C16 Biosciences aim to address?
What is the ambition and strategy of C16 Biosciences in relation to creating better oils and fats for use in food?
What is the mission of C16 Biosciences?
Which companies made new investments in C16 Biosciences?