When was Brett Gurewitz born?
Where was Brett Gurewitz born?
What bands has Brett Gurewitz produced albums for?
Which albums were produced by Brett Gurewitz?
What is Brett Gurewitz's religious belief?
What other bands has Brett Gurewitz produced albums for?
Did Brett Gurewitz leave Epitaph temporarily in 1997?
When did Brett Gurewitz reunite with Bad Religion?
What song did Brett Gurewitz co-write with Greg Graffin?
What is the name of the electro-hardcore project that Brett Gurewitz was a part of?
Why did Brett Gurewitz leave Bad Religion?
Who replaced Brett Gurewitz during the Stranger Than Fiction tour?
What albums did Bad Religion record and release after Brett Gurewitz rejoined the band?
Who replaced Jay Ziskrout in the band?