What is the purpose of the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship?
When was the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship established?
Who is the executive director of the Center for Corporate Citizenship at the Boston College Carroll School of Management?
What is Rob Vallentine's educational background?
What does the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship believe in?
What professional development options does the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship offer?
What are the executive education options offered by the Center?
What are some of the areas Dave Stangis has expertise in?
What is Rob's role at the Great Lakes Bay Region Mental Health Partnership?
Who can join the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship?
What is the focus of the Faculty and Teaching Fellows Programs?
What is Andy Boynton's experience in executive education?
What does the website provide for corporate citizenship professionals?
What is Nancy Dunbar's area of expertise?
What is Susan Santos an expert in?