What is Billie Joe Armstrong's full name?
What are some of Billie Joe Armstrong's other names?
What are some of the bands that Billie Joe Armstrong has been a part of?
When was Billie Joe Armstrong born?
What is Billie Joe Armstrong's new band called?
What businesses has Billie Joe Armstrong been involved in?
What is Billie Joe Armstrong's role in The Network?
What film did Billie Joe Armstrong appear in as the lead actor?
What other instruments does Billie Joe Armstrong play?
What is the name of the soccer club owned by Billie Joe Armstrong?
What are some of Billie Joe Armstrong's musical projects?
What is Billie Joe Armstrong's favorite guitar?
What is the name of Billie Joe Armstrong's rock band formed in April 2018?
Does Billie Joe Armstrong have any signature guitar models?
What was the name of Armstrong's first band?