When was the sequel to Beetlejuice officially announced?
When was the sequel of Beetlejuice officially announced?
Who produced the sequel to Beetlejuice?
Who produced the original Beetlejuice film?
What is the plot of the original Beetlejuice film?
When was the Beetlejuice soundtrack released?
Who wrote the original Beetlejuice film?
When was the Beetlejuice animated television series created?
Who are the main actors in the original Beetlejuice film?
What was the budget for Beetlejuice?
Who served as the developer and executive producer of the Beetlejuice animated series?
How much did Beetlejuice earn in its opening weekend in the United States?
When did Beetlejuice become the first DVD shipped by Netflix?
What other media features Beetlejuice?
What is the release date of the sequel?