What is Barrington Levy's birth name?
When was Barrington Levy born?
Who is Barrington Levy's son and what record label is he signed to?
What genres of music does Barrington Levy perform?
Who did Barrington Levy form a band with?
What was the name of the band Barrington Levy formed with his cousin?
What was the first single released by Barrington Levy as a solo artist?
What was the name of the band formed by Barrington Levy and his cousin?
What was the title of the album released by Barrington Levy in 1981?
When did Barrington Levy release the single 'No Fuss'?
Which record featuring Barrington Levy and Tenor Fly reached number 20?
Which album by Handsome Boy Modeling School did Barrington Levy contribute to in 2004?
Who produced the Barrington album released in the United States?
Which track did Barrington Levy feature on with Gorillaz?
Which album of Barrington Levy's charted at number 10 in the Billboard Reggae album chart?