What does Bandai Namco Holdings specialize in?
What are the main categories of products and services offered by Bandai Namco Holdings?
What are some of the companies under Bandai Namco's Affiliated Business unit?
Which subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings designs toys and electronic devices?
Where is Bandai Namco Holdings headquartered?
Which subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings is a Japanese anime studio?
Where are the North American offices of Bandai Namco Holdings located?
Where are the European and Asian divisions of Bandai Namco Holdings headquartered?
What are the six product areas of Bandai Namco Holdings?
When did Bandai Namco Holdings unveil a new logo and mission statement?
Which subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings is responsible for video game publishing?
Who is the chairman of Bandai Namco Holdings?
What are the main areas of specialization for Bandai Namco Holdings?
Who is the president of Bandai Namco Holdings?
Is Bandai Namco Holdings listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?