When was Banco Santander founded?
Where is Banco Santander based?
Where does Banco Santander operate?
What are some of the categories that Banco Santander falls under?
Which countries does Banco Santander operate in?
What subsidiaries does Banco Santander have in the Americas?
What subsidiaries does Banco Santander have in Europe?
What services does Banco Santander focus on in China?
Which UK banks did Banco Santander intend to purchase in 2008?
When did Banco Santander expand into China?
What subsidiaries does Banco Santander have in Chile?
Is Banco Santander listed on any stock exchanges?
What is the book 'Building a Global Bank: The Transformation of Banco Santander' about?
What did the acquisition of Sovereign Bank give Santander?
When did Santander acquire Bank Zachodni WBK?