What industries does BakerHostetler represent clients in?
How many attorneys does BakerHostetler employ in 2020?
Which industries does BakerHostetler provide counseling and representation for?
Which law firm merged with BakerHostetler in 2014?
What is the name of the artificial intelligence-based service used by BakerHostetler?
In which cities does BakerHostetler have offices?
What is the company type of BakerHostetler?
Which oil trading firm does BakerHostetler represent?
When was BakerHostetler founded?
Who has BakerHostetler been overseeing the liquidation of in bankruptcy court?
Which committee does BakerHostetler represent in the chapter 11 reorganization of Pacific Gas and Electric Company?
Who did House Republicans hire from BakerHostetler to sue President Obama over the Affordable Care Act?
Who was one of the firm's founders?