Where was Andrés Segovia born?
When and where was Andrés Segovia born?
When was Andrés Segovia born?
Where was Andrés Segovia's first public performance?
What was the first public performance of Andrés Segovia?
What was Andrés Segovia's first public performance?
What instrument did Andrés Segovia initially have music lessons for?
Who did Andrés Segovia live with at a young age?
What works did Andrés Segovia perform in his first public performance?
Did Andrés Segovia compose any music?
When did Andrés Segovia die?
Who produced the 13-part series about Andrés Segovia?
What was the 13-part series about Andrés Segovia called?
Who hosted the 13-part series about Andrés Segovia?
Who wrote the book 'Andrés Segovia – Vida y Obra'?