How many experts are in Amwins Brokerage's wholesale broker team?
What expertise does Amwins Access have in Garage and Auto Dealers coverage?
Who are the clients of Amwins Global Risks?
Who is the Garage Practice Leader with Amwins Access Insurance Services?
How many employees does Amwins Global Risks have?
Who did Amwins hire to lead GJS Co.'s healthcare management liability program?
What is the role of Kathy Phillips in Amwins?
What is Becky Patel's role at Amwins?
Who are the new hires joining Stealth Partner Group and Amwins Group Benefits?
What is the role of Todd Marcoux at Stealth Partner Group?
Why do private equity firms turn to expert advisors and wholesale brokers?
Who is the contact person for Freightshield?
What is the recruitment portal for Amwins Global Risks?
How can collaborating with wholesale brokers and underwriters help private equity firms?
Who are the authors of the documentation?