What industries does the Allianz Risk Consulting Energy & Construction team specialize in?
What is Allianz Commercial's expertise in marine insurance?
Who is the Global Head of Sustainability Solutions at Allianz Commercial?
What is the focus of the Allianz Entertainment team?
Who are the external experts that Allianz Commercial has long-established relationships with?
Who is the Commercial Managing Director for the Asia region?
What services does the Allianz Risk Consulting team provide?
What types of specialists are included in the Allianz Commercial staff?
How does the Property Risk Consulting team work with clients?
What is the role of the claims team at Allianz Commercial?
Who contributes to Global Risk Dialogue?
What are the expertise areas covered by the Marine Risk Consultants?
Who is taking over the role of Regional Head of Multinational North America?
Who does Allianz serve?
Who is Allianz Commercial's target customer base?