What principles should be considered when determining a sentence?
What factors should be considered in every case?
What are some factors that make the offender's conduct less serious?
What are some factors that make the offender's conduct more serious?
Can the offender's race, ethnicity, gender, or religion be used as a basis for sentencing?
What are some examples of offender's conduct that may be considered less serious?
What are some examples of offender's conduct that may be considered more serious?
What are some examples of factors that may mitigate the offender's conduct?
What factors increase the likelihood of an offender's recidivism?
What factors decrease the likelihood of an offender's recidivism?
What is the significance of an offender's veteran status?
Are there any mandatory prison terms specified in the documentation?
When is a sentence mandatory for aggravated murder, murder, or any F-1 or F-2 offense?
What is the sentence for felonious, aggravated, or simple assault on a peace officer or BCII investigator who suffered serious physical harm?
What factors make a sentence inadequate to punish the offender and protect the public?