What training and education has Sanford Jossen completed in mediation, arbitration, and dispute resolution?
What are the issues involved in the dispute over consulting work intended to guide the development of a large institutional computerized accounting system?
What is the fee schedule for ADR Services, Inc.?
Which organizations has Sanford Jossen been associated with for dispute resolution?
What types of disputes does Justice Zebrowski's ADR practice encompass?
What was the outcome of the CEQA challenge to the development of the Leona Quarry site in Oakland?
What types of cases has Judge Sabraw presided over?
What are Sanford Jossen's areas of expertise?
What were the claims in the sexual harassment case against the public entity?
What were the allegations in the personal injury claim related to the school suicide case?
What speaking engagements has Richard S. Flier participated in?
What is Justice Zebrowski's approach to making decisions in arbitration?
Who does Justice Zebrowski conduct his practice with?
What are some common issues in duty-to-defend disputes between insured and liability carriers?
What are the issues involved in the case regarding liabilities of employees departing an insurance brokerage firm?