What events has Terri Adler spoken at?
Who did Duval & Stachenfeld LLP represent in a recent transaction?
What is the asking rental rate for class-A office space near 1250 Broadway?
Who will be speaking at the Diversity in Commercial Real Estate Conference?
What does the legislation passed on November 2, 2015 allow the IRS to do?
What relief did the IRS grant to those in the Land of OZ due to COVID-19?
What is the New York City Climate Mobilization Act?
Who explained that many lenders will not allow the borrower to let the taxes go into arrears?
What is the title of the panel moderated by Eric Menkes at the 2022 New York Commercial Real Estate Summit?
What is Local Law 97 (LL97) and what is its informal name?
What is the concern in the Land of OZ regarding the November election?
Who were the panelists at the RealCrowd webinar on March 16?
Who is the head of the Leasing Practice Group?
Who is listed in City and State 2019 Law Power 50?
What does the zoning proposal in New York City relate to?