Who does AAA3 serve?
Who will utilize this plan as a roadmap for future transportation initiatives?
What services or programs has AAA3 provided?
What type of agency is Van Wert County Council on Aging?
What organizations and individuals are involved in the AAA3 Mobility Management Program?
Who does the agency partner with to provide services and supports to individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias?
Who will Behavioral Health staff seek input from?
What does Exhibit 3 illustrate?
Who will connect with the contracted provider to disseminate information about the availability of services?
What is the name of the foundation developed by AAA3?
What agencies are represented in the planning committee?
What funding sources support Strategy 3.2: Improve Home and Community-based Supports?
Who is responsible for supporting the implementation of Strategy 1.2?
Who does the Care Coordination Program assist?
What will the Population Health Director and Health Education Coordinator explore the feasibility of?