What cases are referenced in the documentation?
What is the purpose of the technical storage or access?
What data will be processed if I consent to these technologies?
What happens if I do not consent or withdraw consent?
What was the issue in the Sports Direct v HMRC case?
Who is Saima Hanif KC currently representing in the X v FOS case?
What is Saima Hanif KC's role in the Astana International Financial Court?
Who did Saima Hanif KC represent in the High Court proceedings involving a knowing concern allegation?
What was the outcome of the Rollet v DFSA case?
Who did Saima Hanif KC represent in the case X v Guernsey Financial Services Commission?
What was the value of the LCIA Angolan energy arbitration?
What expertise does Saima Hanif KC have in relation to insurance and reinsurance?
Who did Saima Hanif KC represent in the case Y v Monetary Authority of Singapore?
Which bank's permission did Saima Hanif KC assist in varying?
What is the title and edition of Adam Kramer KC's book on becoming a barrister?