What is Yeardley Smith's occupation?
When was Yeardley Smith born?
What is Yeardley Smith's birthdate and birthplace?
What other TV shows has Yeardley Smith appeared in?
When did Yeardley Smith get married?
What films has Yeardley Smith appeared in?
What is the name of Yeardley Smith's podcast?
What are some of Yeardley Smith's notable film appearances?
What was Yeardley Smith's first film role?
What award did Yeardley Smith receive in 1992?
What is Matt Groening's opinion of Yeardley Smith?
What off-Broadway show did Yeardley Smith perform in?
How does Yeardley Smith feel about being recognized in public?
Who is Martha Maria Yeardley Smith?
What role does Yeardley Smith voice on The Simpsons?