When was Winston & Strawn LLP founded?
What is Winston & Strawn LLP known for?
How many attorneys does Winston & Strawn have?
Which is the largest office of Winston & Strawn LLP?
Where is Winston & Strawn headquartered?
What high-profile matters has Winston & Strawn handled for its clients?
What is the company type of Winston & Strawn?
Who did Winston & Strawn LLP counsel in the remedy phase of its battle against federal and state antitrust claims?
When was Winston & Strawn founded?
Who did Winston & Strawn represent in the lawsuit against ABC News?
What is Winston & Strawn known for?
What is the largest office of Winston & Strawn?
Who are the co-executive chairmen of Winston & Strawn?
Who did Winston & Strawn assist in connection with the bid for the company by Carl Icahn?
Whose patent for NuvaRing did Winston & Strawn secure a judgment invalidating?