What is the focus of the Divinity students at Notre Dame?
What is the focus of the Notre Dame computer scientist's work?
When did Notre Dame start teaching students how to be soldiers?
What does Notre Dame aim to create in its students?
How has the University of Notre Dame supported the education of architects?
What role does the Notre Dame-Newman Centre play?
What are Notre Dame's topologists focusing on?
What disciplines does Professor Hartley hope to share the class with in the future?
What does Notre Dame's character as a Catholic academic community presuppose?
What is the research enterprise at Notre Dame?
What is the focus of the Notre Dame-led program?
What initiatives are available for professional development at Notre Dame?
What is the mission of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies?
What is the educational background of Shannon B. Cullinan?
What is the name of the course that the Notre Dame students are taking?