What is the goal of tug of war?
What is tug of war?
What is the role of a 'driver' in tug of war?
What role does the driver play in tug of war?
What are some notable incidents related to tug of war?
Are there any unique variations of tug of war?
What is the American game show called that features tug of war?
How many players are on each team in the Peruvian version of tug of war?
Are the rules of tug of war strictly followed in all competitions?
What are the origins of tug of war?
In which television series was tug of war a regular event?
Is physical strength the only important factor in tug of war?
What is a moat in tug of war?
How does the weight of a player affect their performance in tug of war?
Is tug of war considered a sport?