What should employees do if they experience symptoms of COVID-19 while at home?
Under what circumstances can the request for amendment be denied?
Can your business associate send me marketing communication about my prescription drug or biologic on your behalf?
How long should asymptomatic employees wait before returning to work?
What information will be included in the notification to other employees who worked in a well-defined portion of the workplace where the COVID-19 positive person was present?
Should physical barriers interfere with communication between individuals?
How can employees report retaliation?
Does TRIO provide paid time off for employees who are sick or need to isolate/quarantine?
What policies and procedures will TRIO implement for cleaning, disinfection, and hand hygiene?
What are the workplace-specific policies and procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
What are the sources from which PHI is collected?
What PPE is provided by TRIO during an AGP?
What should the facility do if a situation arises where an employee has been removed from the workplace?
What PPE will TRIO provide to employees with exposure to people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?
Who will TRIO communicate the COVID-19 plan with?