Which types of transports are covered by the RO e-Transport system?
What is Claudia Bratu's professional affiliation in Romania?
What types of transports need to be reported?
What services does TPA Group provide?
What is TPA Romania's request to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF)?
How has the entity implemented its sustainability strategy?
What measures should entities take to ensure they have adequate information systems for sustainability reporting?
What is Dan's specialization in the legal field?
What are the advantages of the Baker Tilly Europe Alliance?
What is Jan Glas' educational background?
What is Alina Angelescu's experience in the field of accounting and finance?
What is Dan Iliescu's professional background?
What is the impact of the Ro e-Transport system on Romanian companies?
What are the tax rates for microenterprises if their revenues exceed 60,000 euros or their activities correspond to certain CAEN codes?
Where did Sorana Cernea study?