Where is Toni Braxton from?
When was Toni Braxton born?
What is the name of Toni Braxton's latest album?
What was Toni Braxton's debut single?
Where was Toni Braxton born?
What is the name of Toni Braxton's first child?
What is Toni Braxton's date of birth?
What is the name of Toni Braxton's second child?
Who are some of the vocal style models for Toni Braxton?
What genre of music did Toni Braxton start her career with?
What awards has Toni Braxton won?
When did Toni Braxton meet Keri Lewis?
What organizations or causes is Toni Braxton involved in?
Has Toni Braxton been married?
When did Toni Braxton perform on American Idol?