What is the date and location of the 2023/24 4hr Compulsory CPD Workshop in Newcastle?
What is the date and location of the 2023/24 4hr Compulsory CPD Workshop in Greater Western Sydney?
What will happen if I am found 'Not Yet Competent' in an assessment?
What are the requirements for participating in an interactive webinar course?
When does the CPD year for Licence and Certificate holders start and end?
What should you do if you feel you have been discriminated against, bullied, victimised, or harassed?
What is the purpose of Workplace Health & Safety training?
What should students do before enrolling in the course?
What does it mean if a student is deemed 'Not Yet Competent' in a unit?
What is the purpose of collecting personal information from students?
What does the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (NSW) cover?
What is the date of the 2023/24 4hr Compulsory CPD Workshop?
What is the purpose of the Video Library?
What are the types of treatment that can be considered discrimination, bullying, victimisation, or harassment?
What is Think Real Estate's Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy based on?