Who is the main character in The Wicked + The Divine?
Who created The Wicked + The Divine?
What is the genre of The Wicked + The Divine?
What are the themes explored in The Wicked + The Divine?
What is the Recurrence in The Wicked + The Divine?
Who has the television rights for The Wicked + The Divine?
What is the average score of The Wicked + the Divine series?
Who discovered that labeling themselves as 'gods' gave them great power?
What is Lucifer's real name?
What is the role of the character who has aged in The Pantheon?
Why did the character give up her divinity?
Who is Amaterasu and what are her powers?
Who is the god based on F. Scott Fitzgerald?
What are The Morrígan's powers?
What is Baal's connection to Inanna and Lucifer?