Who directed The Shift (2023 film)?
When was The Shift (2023 film) released in theaters?
Who are the main cast members of The Shift?
When did the early screening of The Shift take place?
What grade did CinemaScore give to The Shift?
Where was the principal photography of The Shift done?
How much money did The Shift make in its opening weekend?
What did Frank Scheck from The Hollywood Reporter say about The Shift?
What is the average rating of The Shift on Rotten Tomatoes?
What did Noah Berlatsky from Chicago Reader say about The Shift?
What is the overall positive score given by those polled by PostTrak for The Shift?
What is the setting of the film?
What does Kevin plan to acquire from a 'shifter'?
What did Christianity Today's Rebecca Cusey say about The Shift?