What other movies was The Secret of NIMH in competition with during its release?
Who is the director of The Secret of NIMH?
When was The Secret of NIMH released on DVD for the first time?
Who directed The Secret of NIMH?
Who directed the sequel to The Secret of NIMH?
Is there a live-action/computer-animated remake of The Secret of NIMH?
What is the production company of The Secret of NIMH?
What is the genre of The Secret of NIMH?
When was The Secret of NIMH released on home video?
What is the plot of The Secret of NIMH?
What home video formats was The Secret of NIMH released on in 1983?
What is the general plot of The Secret of NIMH?
What animation techniques were experimented with on The Secret of NIMH?
Was there a sequel to The Secret of NIMH?
When was The Secret of NIMH released?