What is the Charity Navigator Rating of The 410 Bridge?
What is the annual financial commitment required from a partner?
How many ethnic languages are spoken in Kenya?
How often will sponsored children with special needs receive therapy sessions?
What is the focus of the community development work?
How many children does Manacesi have?
What does the Foundations for Farming program teach?
What training does the 410 Bridge provide for local pastors?
What additional support is provided with the proceeds from monthly sponsorships?
What is the purpose of providing Bibles in the community?
What are the specific areas of development that the 410 Bridge focuses on?
How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
What is the focus of the 410 Bridge's work?
What are the partner responsibilities to 410 Bridge and 410 Bridge Community?
What is the main priority for the community when starting community development work?