What is the abstract about?
In which conference was the paper on latent retrieval for weakly supervised open domain question answering published?
How are code embedding models trained?
What are some methods for learning sentence embeddings?
What is the length of the paper?
What is the title of the paper by Yih, Toutanova, Platt, and Meek?
Is there a performance improvement on code search when increasing the number of parameters of cpt-code?
What is the year of publication for the second paper mentioned in the documentation?
What are the average MRR @ 10 scores for different programming languages using CodeBERT?
What is the name of the conference mentioned in the documentation?
What is the importance assigned to search and classification tasks?
What is the performance improvement of the largest unsupervised model in linear-probe classification tasks?
What is the relative improvement of cpt-text on searching 21M documents from Wikipedia?
What benchmarks are used to evaluate the models in large-scale text search?
What is the title of the paper by Thakur, Reimers, Rücklé, Srivastava, and Gurevych?