What job did Stevie Ray Vaughan have before pursuing a music career?
When did Stevie Ray Vaughan's first posthumous album with Double Trouble get released?
Who is Stevie Ray Vaughan?
Who discovered Stevie Ray Vaughan and his band?
What is the name of Stevie Ray Vaughan's band?
What type of music did Stevie Ray Vaughan express interest in adding to the Southern Distributor's repertoire?
Who did Stevie Ray Vaughan list as the guitarist he had listened to?
What is Stevie Ray Vaughan best known for?
What struggles did Stevie Ray Vaughan face in his life?
Where did Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble perform for George H. W. Bush?
Who was Stevie Ray Vaughan?
Where did Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble play a concert on December 31, 1986?
What did Stevie Ray Vaughan say about the future of the band?
What was the name of the blues venue in Austin where Stevie Ray Vaughan initially took residence?
What was Stevie Ray Vaughan's first band called?