What is the maximum time horizon for the forecasts?
Who will be present to answer questions related to solar and weather forecasting?
Can Steadysun SAS be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of information on the website?
When and where is the Intersolar trade fair taking place?
What is the contact email for Steadysun?
Why is the sensitivity of solar and wind power to weather conditions a constraint?
How long is personal data kept?
What are the different types of assets in the Steadysun API?
What copies or reproductions are allowed according to the Intellectual Property Code?
What are the social media accounts of Steadysun?
What is the legal protection of databases mentioned on the site?
What is Steadysun's purpose?
Why use wind and solar forecasting for smart cities and smart grids?
How can I contact the Steadysun team?
What is Steadysun's vision?