What services does STAUDACHER provide for Electrolux?
What role does STAUDACHER play in the production of the Kataloge?
What tools and software solutions does STAUDACHER use to support the process?
What services does STAUDACHER provide for MADELEINE?
What does STAUDACHER do to enhance the quality and flexibility of AURA's digital workspaces?
What is the purpose of the PORTAVINO online shop?
What kind of tasks does STAUDACHER do?
What software solution does MADELEINE use for its product information and data management?
What is the purpose of the MADELEINE Printkatalog?
Who is responsible for the strategic positioning and development of the PORTAVINO brand?
What types of 3D props are used by STAUDACHER in product visualizations?
What is the purpose of AURA's headquarters?
What does AURA stand for?
What is the secret of a good working environment according to AURA?
Where is the agency located?