What is Sofia Coppola's filmography?
What films has Sofia Coppola acted in?
What did Sofia Coppola want to create with her film Marie Antoinette?
What is Sofia Coppola's next film?
Who played the titular character in Sofia Coppola's third film?
What was Sofia Coppola's third film?
What was Sofia Coppola's fourth film?
What was Sofia Coppola's feature film directing debut?
What was Sofia Coppola's first acting role?
Where did Sofia Coppola's third film debut?
What was Sofia Coppola's first short film?
What was the title of Sofia Coppola's first short film?
When did Sofia Coppola make her first short film?
What advertisements has Sofia Coppola directed?
What is the plot of Sofia Coppola's fourth film?