What is Simpson Thacher & Bartlett's reputation in the legal industry?
In which survey was Simpson Thacher & Bartlett ranked among the most prestigious law firms to work for in the United States?
How does Simpson Thacher & Bartlett rank among law firms?
Who are some notable individuals associated with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett?
In which cities does Simpson Thacher & Bartlett have offices?
How does Simpson Thacher & Bartlett rank among large law firms in terms of profitability?
What are some notable positions held by Simpson Thacher lawyers?
Where is the headquarters of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett located?
What is the headquarters location of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett?
What award did Simpson Thacher & Bartlett win in 2022 for its Finance Litigation Department?
What are the areas of practice of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett?
What are the areas of specialization for Simpson Thacher & Bartlett?
When was Simpson Thacher & Bartlett founded?
What awards has Simpson Thacher & Bartlett received?
Who are some judges associated with Simpson Thacher?